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December 03, 2006


Mark Rauterkus

Come to Pittsburgh next. You can bunk with us if you give some notice.

Check for the next blogfest (seasonal, generally) -- and visit with 20-40 bloggers at once.

John Morgan

That would be great. The Pittsburgh bloggers are very active and the community there is thriving. I'd definitely need a place to crash though with it being a 5 hour drive. Wilkes-Barre I can do but not the 'Burgh.

jane harris

The world is getting smaller. My husband and myself are natives of the Wyoming Valley.I was and grew up in Pittston,my husband in Wilkes Barre.

John Morgan

Jane you wouldn't have wanted to see the succession of trucks I saw parked along the turnpike by hunters. I didn't see any dead deer though. I was quite concerned with frightened deer running across the highways though. Hunting season makes things far more dangerous for motorists as these idiots scare them out of the woods.


Thanks for comming John, it was great to meet you. I'm sure we'll run into each other again at some political function.

John Morgan

I'm sure we will Gort. It'll be easier now that we know each other. I was wondering if you were also at some of the Carney events I covered. Not having met you meant I didn't know. Tell the new Congressman congratulations for me.

united steelworker

USW Goodyear Workers take their
message to NASCAR in
Times Square New York City

united steelworker

USW Goodyear Workers take their
message to NASCAR in
Times Square New York City

Mark Rauterkus

Give us a heads up before your visit to Pittsburgh. We've got a room for fellow bloggers, for sure. :)

David Slavick

We have some of the best bloggers in the country in PA, and I think it would be tremendous if PA Bloggers would host a Roots Camp like they had recently in DC in PA.

Here is a description from their website ( "RootsCamps are 2006 post-election debriefs. The progressive community — everyone from the "netroots" to precinct captains to field organizers to national message consultants — is invited to come together to hash out what we learned in 2006 and how to apply those lessons going forward"

The website states that they would like people to host regional Roots Camps, this MeetUp could be the stepping stone to something bigger.

As someone who was an active blogger and a political candidate, I would be more than willing to help coordinate this in any way I can.

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