3,000. Reuters is reporting that the American death toll in Iraq has reached this ignominious milestone. Meanwhile the Emporer fiddles while the Iraq Study Group report goes as ignored as the 9/11 Commission Report has. Meanwhile Saddam has been executed to throw the civil war further into a downward spiral.
The proposed escalation of troop levels comes three years too late. It wasn't done when critically needed to seal the borders and instill law and order after Saddam's fall. The Army and Marines had too few soldiers to keep areas peaceful and, as a result, had to keep refighting the same battles. The only thing escalation will accomplish now is an equal escalation of casualties.
Video of Saddam's hanging is readily available on the internet. How many times must we violate international human rights treaties? The videos of troops examing his teeth and hair were clear violations of the Geneva Conventions. Releasing tape of the noose going around his neck was another. All we needed were a few still photos to release to the Iraqi people to prove he was dead. Humiliating the man any further wasn't necessary and were violations.
The entire trial process was a sham and the whole world knows that fact. Why this couldn't have awaited a legitimate government and a true legal system is beyond me. Of course Bush couldn't allow a delay for further trials because Saddam may have exposed our close involvements with some of his atrocities. The fact previous Republican Presidents (Reagan & Bush I) condoned Saddam's atrocities and actually helped him in his war with Iran would have come out and been embarrassing. So Saddam had to be tried on specific charges and then hanged asap.
Meanwhile there have been more torture deaths became Islamic sects and more car bombs. There is no shortage of fireworks this New Years Eve in Baghdad. The difference is they're real.
May 2007 finally bring some peace. Let's hope the New Year brings President Bush to his senses. While he fiddles trying to resolve his disaster more people are being killed and maimed. There is no time for waiting, no time for fiddling while Baghdad burns.