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« Contact Caltagirone | Main | Caltagirone: New Developments »

December 30, 2006



It is terrific that Mr Rooney came out to denounce one of Mr Caltigirone's many indescretions. His sign stealing years back and "Corleone" type persuasion is ledgendary in his home county! Add this to his selection of Chair and now running the county committee and you have a man that thinks he is above certain rules. Maybe this is why Mr DeWeese won't give him the time of day in Harrisburg. Mr Caltigirone's tactics make him someone that should not be in a leadership position in Harrisburg. The talk of DeWeese on green dog democrats blog is only part of the whole truth. THis is another part!

John Morgan

Yes, it's why we need serious reform completely through Harrisburg. No band aids, the real thing from top to bottom.

Bruce Perry

I sent him a short but succinct email today:

"We can only hope the latest news about you is greatly exaggerated."

The "subject" on the email was:
The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson et. seq.

Keep the letters and calls heading his way.


So more or less it's two egomaniacs going at each other
at the expense of the party. There were plenty of other choices than De Wesse for speaker. I have no idea why Rooney think's De wesse is a change if they had wanted real change they would have put someone else up.


I am in no way saying that what Caltigirone is honorable or not self-serving. What i'm saying is that De Wesse's behavior towards people and lust to be king caused this and if it hadn't been Caltigirone it probably would have been someone else.

John Morgan

DeWeese set this course in motion when he brutally retaliated against those who voted against the pay raise. Recall how he evicted all Committee Chairs who refused to go along with that crime. Of course Caltagirone also voted FOR the pay raise and accepted the money. As I keep saying Caltagirone is part of the problem in Harrisburg. Don't think for a minute he's a real reformer. This is all about power, not reform.

John Morgan

T.J. Rooney's email is incorrect where it states the rally is on Tuesday. It is on Monday at 3 pm outside 645 Penn Street in Reading. This is just up from Penn Square (5th & Penn) and there is a parking nearby. A large land lot is across from the Sovereign Center and a garage around the corner on Court Street.

out there

I guess you are really organized. Just like Harrisburg. In the 12 years what did DeWeese do for PA, O thats right freeze the money to play political power against his own party. Mr. Caltagirone was right when we need less State Reps. in Harrisburg we need to what our tax dollars and what all the Rep's do with our money. Don't you think?

John Morgan

I'm not sure what you're saying Out There. Perhaps if you could rewrite that legibly we'd all know.

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