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I'm a diehard Phillies fan, always have. At the dawn of this season, looking at the forlorn pitching staff I boldly predicted a third place finish behind the Mets and Braves. Jimmy Rollins had it right, I was wrong. J Roll said they were the team to beat and he did it by proceeding to have a year unlike any any major leaguer has ever had. Listening to today's game on the radio while I was out scouting kayaking locations was thrilling. I used to have Sunday season tickets and thought about how I'd have been there had I kept them (politics was getting in the way of too many games).
The crowd was electric, cheered their hearts out and exploded when the New York loss became official. My cell phone rang right as Rollins got the big hit. What to do? I answered but couldn't say anything over the radio. Thankfully the caller understood.
It's been fourteen years since the last Phils pennant so these days are cherished. This is one prediction I'm glad I flubbed.
Senate Republicans are upset that Larry Craig hasn't disappeared quietly and crawled away to the nearest men's room. Tapping their feet in anger, they are now threatening public hearings against the man who attempted to have sex with another man in the Minneapolis-St.Paul airport. They have done NOTHING against David Vitter, adulterer from Louisiana, exposed as being a customer of prostitutes.
Don't I recall some $60 million taxpayer dollars squandered trying to condemn a Democrat last decade for having a bit of oral sex? What is the problem with Republicans and what is this obsession they have with sex? If they're going to publicly humiliate Craig, who didn't actually engage in a sex act, they should do likewise to Vitter. What I see here is an obvious double standard: straight sex versus gay sex. I don't recall having sex outside marriage being any different based on the other party's gender.
The GOP is being very discriminatory here and trying to use the specter of public humiliation because they aren't happy that Craig chose a good looking young man for sex instead of a female prostitute. Vitter actually had sex, Craig didn't, so let's out this in the real perspective: it's a gay witch hunt.
Former Congressman Newt Gingrich announced he will not run for President. Somehow this is news. The man who is most personally identified with the current pattern of extreme partisanship would have been a long shot at best. It was when Gingrich took over as Speaker that the deep, bitter partisan divide in Washington was magnified. Surrounded by questionable ethics, he finally left Washington and returned to Georgia. He left his seat after allegations of personal profit over a book he wrote. He also used his PAC, GOPAC for very questionable purposes and led the Clinton impeachment hearings while being an adulterer himself. He finally admitted he was having an affair of his own while orchestrating the impeachment case against Bill Clinton.
This and the likes of Fred Thompson are the best Republicans can do to excite voters disgusted with the crop of GOP candidates? Maybe Hillary does have a chance.
I hope Bo Derek is still a "10" because Rudy Giuliani blew off the minority voters debate the other night so he could schmooze with Bo and other Hollywood celebs in Santa Barbara. Knowing Rudy I can't say I'm surprised but now every minority voter in the country knows who Mr. Giuliani puts ahead of them on his priority list.
It's a good question isn't it? Well, how about phrasing the question the other way around. Who would be in favor of discriminating against Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered folk in employment? And why?
Actually the people against ENDA tend to use the argument that sexual orientation is a choice and therefore shouldn't be a protected class. Of course, religion is a choice too and it's a protected class so I don't much see the difference.
There is an argument that protecting GLBT people would put pressure on freedom of association employment for organizations like the Boy Scouts or a religious institution. I would be in favor of a religious exemption being added to the law because I think religions should be able to teach and believe as they choose. (Of course, everyone knows I'd rather see all religion abolished and that would solve the issue but I'm willing to be fair and compromise.) As for a freedom of association employment for non-religious organizations like the Boy Scouts...I think those type of arguments are just nice words for institutionalized bigotry.
The truth of the matter is ENDA is designed to protect the employment of people who are fired because their bosses are bigots, just like the protections for people of a certain race or gender or national origin or religion, ENDA is designed to protect another minority. The majority, by definition, needs no protection.
As we look back on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 we might find it hard to understand why such an Act was needed...why did Americans fire or refuse to hire someone because of their race or gender or religion? IN 2007 such a things seems sooo foreign to us. But we all know the answer...prejudice (i.e. bigotry). We think we've eradicated this disease but we haven't. Despite the CRA of '64 there are still people who don't like women or don't like black folk or Spanish folk or Jews. I grant you we don't see it as much today as we did in 1964 and we think it's because we evolved. Perhaps we have, but, in point of fact, some brave politicians in 1964 passed a law the FORCED the country to treat it's citizens fairly in employment and housing and voting. In 1964 many people weren't very happy about this law but we got used to it and we evolved becasue the government forced us to evolve. Sometimes the government has to pass unpopular laws for no other reason than it's the right thing to do.
I believe ENDA does the same thing for GLBT folk today that the CRA did for Jews and blacks and Hispanics and women in 1964. As the country and its people evolved, forceibly or voluntarily, this is the step that couldn't be taken in 1964...we weren't ready then...we're past ready now.
What will it say about our country if were still not ready to protect fellow citizens regardless of how we may personally feel?
This is what gasbag Rush Limbaugh called Iraq war veterans who are against the war. Phone Soldiers. What, exactly, does he mean by that name? Are they disloyal, treasonous, cannot be trusted? Does Rush mean, perhaps, they aren't to be trusted with our nation's defense?
It was a huge insult and he's being condemned by many people across the country for condemning, first, their right to speak out, something they were willing to die to defend, secondly, Rush's right to call them derogatory names because he doesn't agree with them, thirdly, because it demeaned their service to their country.
After making the comment Rush then tried to lie his way out of it. He attacked Media Matters for posting the comment. He even defended Bill O' Reilly's racist "praise" of a Black restaurant in Harlem. He then insulted John Kerry by, again, bringing up the lies about his Vietnam service. Rush said what he said. The context of his statement is clear, especially when you listen to his entire spiel.
When Rush criticized a soldier for opposing the war he labeled every anti-war soldier "phony soldier."
Rush seems to believe that anyone who is in the military signed up specifically to fight in Iraq and should shut up if they now disagree with policy. First of all, many career military didn't do that. Also, many American families have felt a patriotic duty to have their members serve their country and have for generations. It's a tradition many continue to feel compelled to honor. Also, many recruiters have simply lied to recruits, telling them they won't be deployed to Iraq knowing full well they will.
Add to this the constant stream of lies from the White House and Pentagon over six years about the war, 9/11, Saddam, wmd's and countless other issues. Rumsfeld constantly denied there was even an insurgency going on in Iraq. How can Rush Gasbag criticize men and women who volunteered for duty under false pretenses because they now understand, especially after having served in Iraq, the reality? Maybe he needs dose of reality and should serve. Just don't give him Oxycontin if he's wounded.
Meanwhile Rush sits back condemning drug addicts while he's one himself. Didn't Don Imus lose his radio show for less than this? Add the outright racist attack he made on Barack Obama a while back and it's clear Rush's time is past. He should have his show canceled from the public airwaves.
"Comments From Left Field" isn't a baseball blog but an interesting political site written by Mike Tedesco. Recently he wrote an article about the two Sergeants who were killed in Iraq shortly after publishing an OpEd in The New York Times. The blog and others have started a campaign to really support the troops by raising money for Fisher Houses in the names of these two soldiers. "In Honor" honored these young men's memories and prompted responses from their families.
Fisher Houses serve the families of wounded soldiers by providing accomodations near the military hospitals in which their loved ones are recuperating and rehabilitating. Think Ronald McDonald Houses for the Army. It's a great cause and donations are being accepted here.
Brett Lieberman is reporting on an article picked up by GrassrootsPA that Rick Santorum may be eying the Governor's mansion in 2010. That would set up a primary with Bob Asher's puppet Tom Corbett. The end of Ed Rendell's second term is sure to fuel a wide open race, especially on the GOP side. Jack Wagner certainly seems to be the clear front runner for Democrats.
Santorum doesn't seem to grasp how disliked he is in Pennsylvania. Perhaps if he lived here the last numerous years he'd have a clue. Of course he'd have to abandon his nice digs in Virginia and relocate to the Keystone State to even qualify. Maybe then he'd begin to comprehend why he never rose above 41-43% in the polls during his Senate race. Pennsylvanians are fed up with Rick Santorum, his residency issues, milking the Penn Hills taxpayers to pay for his kid's schooling, and his extreme political positions.
The sooner Rick Santorum understands he's political persona non grata in Pennsylvania the sooner he can look elsewhere (Richmond anyone?) for his political future.
It seems like the Employment Non Discrimination Act has been pending in Congress forever. The legislation would protect people with disabilities and those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or perceived as such from employment discrimination. Currently anyone can have their employment terminated for any of these reasons and the workers have no legal basis for challenging the discriminatory action. These aren't "special rights," they're basic civil rights, moral and ethical protections against intolerance and bigotry.
The Senate has passed the bill but efforts are underway in the House to weaken or eliminate protection for sexual identity. This involves transgendered people, those who identify with the opposite sex of their biological anatomy. The irony is this is the segment in need of the most protection as they are probably victimized most by discrimination. Please contact your Congressional Representative and ask they support full protection for everyone.
Unfortunately this bill only covers employment and not housing. People continue to be discriminated against in housing for these issues.
This is a story I've been following over at Gort 42's excellent blog covering the Wilkes-Barre, northeastern PA area. County Judge Ann Lokuta is on trial before the Court of Judicial Discipline over complaints about her conduct. There's nothing like seeing an arrogant, abusive Judge go on trial for their overblown egos and inexcusable conduct. I know a few others who could qualify for similar review.
Former employees for the Judge testified about her behavior at work and one even revealed she was required to baby sit for Lokuta's mother on County time. Tales about assigning impossible work deadlines, abusive insults and criticism when those deadlines weren't met and accusations of insubordination when the employees attempted to defend themselves against baseless criticism permeated the hearing. Susan Weber testified:
"If you tried to defend yourself, you were insubordinate
and you would get screamed at for that. The abuse was so intense and relentless and
persistent," she said. "I felt that I had to let
somebody know what was going on."
I'm so glad to see an abusive Judge getting her due.