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September 27, 2007



If you think ANY of the dems campaigning for the presidency are going to pull the troops out of Iraq during their term, you are not facing reality. Edwards will keep them, Hillary will keep them, Barrack will keep them, Kucinich will...well, maybe not him. But you get the idea. If you are hitching your wagon to the dem you think will pull out all the troops in 08 or 09, be ready to be sorely dissappointed.

Hillary has already changed her tone from having the troops out by 08 to practically following the Presidents outline of trying to take it one day at a time and succeed over the long haul.

I came across this story this morning...

John Morgan

Only Bill Richardson has said he'll keep no troops in Iraq among the top andmiddle tier Democrats.

Hillary's record on Iraq is abysmal.


I just read this article...

Senator Chris "I love former klansmen" Dodd (sorry, couldnt resist) also echoed Richardson's statements about his willingness to have the troops home by X date.

However...and I know its still they really have a chance? The big three...Barrack, Edwards, Clinton cannot and will not make any more committed statements to having the troops pull out. Sure, when they are speaking to the left wing extremists (see? I can use that term too!) they may throw out a few lines...but it will all be talk.

Now here is the important question...if they all wont commit to it themselves....why did they all say they wanted timetables just a few months/years ago? If they agree now that they can't just pull out by a certain date, why the change of heart now after giving President Bush an earful for so long?

Playing politics with the war perhaps?

have a great day :)

John Morgan

Every one who isn't committed to bringing the troops home asap is splaying politics with it. It is the political season after all.

As long as masses of voters are saying they support the likes of Hillary in spite of her support for the war in the past no one is going to position differently. It's up to the voters to send a message to the candidates that this is what they want.


"It's up to the voters to send a message to the candidates that this is what they want."

By voting for Bill Richardson.

John Morgan

That's one way. He's made a few too many gaffes for me though.

Joyful Alternative

I have to agree with you, John. In the Wednesday debate, he reiterated his support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

Wasn't that in Gingrich's 1994 Contract on America?

With this many candidates, you'd think I could find one I'd really like.


The balanced budget amendment was one of several items that was part of the Contract with America like the line item veto and term limits...the one I loved the most...and it was never enacted.

Both sides need to get the dinosaurs out...

but hey, thats just me.

have a great day.

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