Wow, it didn't take long for Clinton to brag about one of her endorsements: Maxine waters. I'll say one thing for her, she doesn't waste time flip flopping.
Obama made a great point saying he wants to change the entire mind set which got us into Iraq. As Blitzer pointed out this was a clear jab at Shrillary. Barack also said we shouldn't have invaded if we were concerned about Iran. He challenged the Republicans who support (except for Paul) a continuation of the failed Bush policy.
The next question is about judgment. It is directed at Clinton and concerns the Levin Amendment. She again is defending her vote for AUMF saying (fictionally) that her vote was about sending the weapons inspectors back into Iraq. The fallacy of her argument is that Bush had compromised the inspectors by using them for intelligence purposes in violation of their mission. Saddam wouldn't allow them back into Iraq because of Bush's treachery.
Obama scores by saying Democrats are better off with a nominee who can claim they called it correctly from the start. Thisis the second biggest argument against supporting Hillary. Her ability to galvanize Republicans to support one of their awful candidates is the biggest.
Wold asks Clinton why she is unable to say her AUMF vote was a mistake. OK, she still won't. Haven't we had enough of leaders who are unable to admit when they make a mistake? Boo.
She says no one could guess how onsessed this president was about using force. What cave was she hiding in? 932 lies about weapons of mass destruction, mushroom clouds over American cities, bogus uranium in Africa lies, how dense is Clinton???
She gets away from the question (who has better judgment) by saying this is about what we do going forward and she's clueless about the judgment question. Wolf confronts her and the crowd boos but it's legitimate. She completely blew this question because she forgot what the question was about. Big failure here.
Wouldn't things go better if she simply admitted she screwed up than beat this dead horse repeatedly? Clinton loses the Iraq issue and she loses it badly.
Obama slams her use of the Day one argument here by claiming, justifiably, that it's more important to be right on day one than ready. This goes straight to the question: good judgment.